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A secret agency must face an ancient beast deep within the Amazon -- and powerful forces out to profit from its legend -- in this supernatural thriller.

Brazil, 1533: A Spanish expedition finds the legendary El Dorado, the largest gold deposit in the world. But in the lost valley hidden from the march of time, the explorers also awakened a devil. A beast of the Amazon rises to destroy any who threaten the secret of the Incas. But one soldier survives long enough to share his story: a secret the Vatican quickly buried away.

Present Day: Professor Helen Zachary and her team are searching for a legend buried deep within the Amazon Basin when they suddenly vanish. Now the top secret Event Group, led by Major Jack Collins, must find them. Using cutting-edge military technology, they travel from Brazil to the Little Bighorn, from Columbia to the hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. As they do, the Event Group faces mounting opposition from multiple adversaries bent on either discovering the whereabouts of El Dorado... or trying to bury the legend forever.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 516 Pages
  • File Size: 2,614 KB

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