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Meditations on First Philosophy
by Rene Descartes

Many other matters respecting the attributes of God and my own nature or mind remain for consideration; but I shall possibly on another occasion resume the investigation of these. Now (after first noting what must be done or avoided, in order to arrive at a knowledge of the truth) my principal task is to endeavour to emerge from the state of doubt into which I have these last days fallen, and to see whether nothing certain can be known regarding material things.

I have always considered that the two questions respecting God and the Soul were the chief of those that ought to be demonstrated by philosophical rather than theological argument. For although it is quite enough for us faithful ones to accept by means of faith the fact that the human soul does not perish with the body, and that God exists, it certainly does not seem possible ever to persuade infidels of any religion, indeed, we may almost say, of any moral virtue, unless, to begin with, we prove these two facts by means of the natural reason.

About the Author
Celebrated French mathematician, philosopher and scientist. Descartes is regarded as the father of modern scientific method and modern philosophy. The most significant of his writings include "Philosophical Essays" and "Meditations on First Philosophy".

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 30, 2010
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 80 Pages
  • File Size: 214 KB

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