



New 2015 edition.

*** The Great Pyramid in the Himalaya ***

In 'Thoth, Architect of the Universe' Ralf discovered evidence for megalithic maps. But if these megalithic maps are to be of any use in a quest for the mythical Hall of Records, then they need to be a little more detailed than a simple representation of continents.

Luckily, the shaft angles inside the Great Pyramid can refine these maps down to just a few tens of meters. And so Ralf embarked on a long trek into the high Himalaya, to see what lay at the heart of the Giza map. Strangely enough, what he found there was a giant snow-white pyramid, aligned with the cardinal points, with a causeway aligned at 14ยบ from its base - exactly the same as the Great Pyramid itself.

Sequel to "Thoth, Architect of the Universe".


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  • We started tracking this book on April 16, 2024.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 344 Pages
  • File Size: 23,153 KB

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