



The first 2 issues of Crimespree Magazine are bundled together as an eBook for all you collectors. These issues featured articles and interviews about and with Mark Billingham and S.J. Rozen.

Right out of the gate, Brother Jon Jordan gives a homily on the Power of Mystery while the better half, Ruth Jordan, kicks off Issue 2.

Short fiction is provided by Gene DeWeese, Brian Wiprud, Harry Shannon Danuta Reah, Patrick J. Lambe and John Connolly.

Donna Moore, Jim Pascoe, Reed Farrel Colemen, Ayo Onatade, Ali Karim and Sarah Weinmann, oh my! Other contributors includes: J.A. Konrath, Michael Lister, Caroline Todd, Valerie S. Malmont, Jeremy Lynch, Ian Smith, Blake Crouch, Sue Kelso, Dick Flannery, Dave Biemann, Barbara Seranella, Cara Black, Norman Green, Simon Kernick.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: July 24, 2011
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 304 Pages
  • File Size: 744 KB

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