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Best known for his poetry, William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) was also a dedicated exponent of Irish folklore. Yeats took a particular interest in the tales' mythic and magical roots. The Celtic Twilight ventures into the eerie and puckish world of fairies, ghosts, and spirits. "This handful of dreams," as the author referred to it, first appeared in 1893, and its title refers to the pre-dawn hours, when the Druids performed their rituals. It consists of stories recounted to the poet by his friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. Yeats' faithful transcription of their narratives includes his own visionary experiences, appended to the storytellers' words as a form of commentary.

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  • We started tracking this book on March 31, 2016.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 130 Pages
  • File Size: 803 KB

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