



"Doctors reading this book will not only be convinced of the need for medical supervison (for all doctors - even pathologists and coroners); they will also be given a handy smorgasbord of different types of medical supervision from which to choose... There may not be many ways of rekindling the spark of compassion and loving kindness that made us want to become health professionals at the start of our careers, but Owen and Shohet have demonstrated that empathic supervision, whether this is from fellow professionals or from peers, is certainly one way of achieving this."
Brian Kaplan, MD
With a foreword by Iona Heath, President of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

This book helps trainee and practicing doctors to develop a broader understanding of supervision. Written by doctors and other medical specialists experienced in clinical supervision it gives the reader the means to enable, structure and develop their reflective practice. It provides practical tools to engage positively with regulatory challenges, increase satisfaction at work and improve quality of care.

Clinical Supervision in the Medical Profession considers the reasons for clinical supervision and how it can support doctors and even transform how they engage with challenging issues. The authors outline a range of ways that they have put clinical supervision into practice and how it has benefitted their work.

Christine Dunkley, Helen Halpern, Anita Houghton, Sue Morrison, David Owen, Patricia Ridsdale, Paul Sackin, John Salinsky, Robin Shohet, Maggie Stanton, Guy Undrill and Sonya Wallbank.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 16, 2012
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 286 Pages
  • File Size: 8,969 KB

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