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We are but Shadows


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At bedtime, a child turns to his mother and whispers "someone's coming!" She would not have long to wait.
Tommy is a loveable pet rat, but what was that noise the next door neighbour can hear and why is there blood smeared on every wall?
A would-be murderer is sent spiralling into a world of madness, deserted on an island of scarecrows.
Terrified of being buried alive, a timid man wakes up living his most feared nightmare.
On Halloween night, a boy visits a travelling funfair and gets more than he bargained for in the ghost train.
During the Christmas season, a petty thief steals from the wrong person and is paid a visit later that night, but is it Santa Claus knocking at his door?
A year after losing his family in a tragic boating accident, was it too soon to return to Thatcher's Rest cottage by the sea?
These are the tales that make up We are but Shadows, that are sure to chill, thrill and ultimately entertain.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 17, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 137 Pages
  • File Size: 140 KB

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