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BOOK ONE IN A TWO-PART SERIES FROM THE DARK WOODS (BOTH PARTS MUST BE READ FOR COMPLETE STORY RESOLUTION) Homely, awkward farm boy Jode Lintwich longs for adventure and greatness: two things which can't be had in his humble village and seldom happen to anyone like himself. But desperation can change anyone's destiny-and Jode is desperate enough to try. A visit to a local witch, a few coins, and an accidental promise transforms Jode into something beyond his wildest imaginings; and also causes him to be cast out of his own village for good. A wanderer turned loose in the world, Jode must learn the truth about the magic upon him and embrace a destiny greater than any he ever imagined. If he wants to survive, he must find the key to his ultimate happiness, and escape the danger inflicted upon him by the two-sided gift of the witch's magic. From a pirate ship to the sands of the desert, from a mercenary knight to a monarch's deceptive pawn, the adventures of Jode-turned-Handsome-Jack are as a varied as his namesake's tales... and as far from his true fate as he could possibly imagine.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 471 Pages
  • File Size: 3,031 KB

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