



ECPA 2010 Christian Book of the Year Award Winner! What Does God Expect of Us?

Is our faith only about going to church, studying the Bible, and avoiding the most serious sins -- or does God expect more? Have we embraced the whole gospel or a gospel with a hole in it?

More than twenty years ago Rich Stearns came face-to-face with that question as he sat in a mud hut in Rakai, Uganda, listening to the heartbreaking story of an orphaned child. Stearns's journey there took much more than a long flight to Africa. It took answering God's call on his life, a call that tore him out of his corner office at one of America's most prestigious corporations -- to walk with the poorest of the poor in our world.

This anniversary edition of The Hole in Our Gospel features new content along with full-color graphics on poverty statistics, a guide for churches on short-term missions and international engagement, and an index of Scripture on poverty, justice, faith in action, and more. The Hole in Our Gospel changed people's lives, and some of those personal accounts also appear in this anniversary edition. Stearns's compelling story demonstrates that the whole gospel was always meant to be a world-changing, social revolution, a revolution that begins with each one of us.

The Hole in Our Gospel is also available in Spanish, VacĂ­o en nuestro evangelio.

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  • We started tracking this book on November 26, 2013.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 389 Pages
  • File Size: 19,452 KB

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