



This carefully crafted ebook: "J'accuse... ! (I Accuse): Letter to the President of the Republic by Emile Zola (Unabridged)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. "J'accuse" was an open letter published on 13 January 1898 in the newspaper L'Aurore by Émile Zola. In the letter, Zola addressed President of France Félix Faure, and accused the government of anti-Semitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a French Army General Staff officer sentenced to penal servitude for life for espionage. Zola pointed out judicial errors and lack of serious evidence. The letter was printed on the front page of the newspaper, and caused a stir in France and abroad. Zola was prosecuted and found guilty of libel on 23 February 1898. To avoid imprisonment, he fled to England, returning home in June 1899. Émile Zola (1840 - 1902) was an influential French novelist, the most important example of the literary school of naturalism, and a major figure in the political liberalization of France.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 26 Pages
  • File Size: 2,231 KB

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