



A Noble Queen (Volume II of III) - A Romance of Indian History by Philip Meadows Taylor

The favour with which my former Indian tales have been received has induced me to write another, in illustration of one of the most important epochs in the history of the Dekhan. The character of the noble Queen Chand Beebee is still popular in the country; and her memory is reverenced, not only as the preserver of Beejapoor, but for the heroic resistance she made to the Moghul armies in their first invasion of the Dekhan and siege of Ahmednugger. The whole circumstances relating to the Queen, upon which this tale has been founded, are detailed in the history of Mahomed Kasim Ferishta, and can be read and verified in the translation of that work by the late Major-General Briggs.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 20, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 304 Pages
  • File Size: 772 KB

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