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Empire Waste


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In this haute couture-noir novel, T/James Reagan, author of Famous For Nothing, provides his post-Empire vision of the New York fashion scene. Reagan's novel explores all of the taboo subjects plaguing the fashion industry- racism, underage models, eating disorders, pervy photographers, human trafficking, unfair payment practices, and predatory castings. Empire Waste follows Andrew Lorrie, a disgraced fashion designer, who finds himself unemployable after a disastrous Spring/Summer fashion show. With no other option, Lorrie accepts a job designing a competitors ready-to-wear line. As the line progresses, Lorrie begins to notice that the models who are arriving for castings and go-sees are disappearing. No longer willing to idly stand by while the fashion industry destroys more girls, Andrew becomes devoted to saving these "replaceable" models. Lorrie confronts the industry as well as his own demons in a fast paced and introspective meditation on creation, pain, and exploitation. Empire Waste plays out as a fashion satire, as well as an exploration of New York City and the rules of the fashion industry. Reagan's Empire Waste proves to be a deeply personal exploration of a man living in a post-Empire world where nearly everything is disposable.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 346 Pages
  • File Size: 957 KB

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