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Come back to a time when manners are everything and rules are made to never be broken. Come back to a time when men are in charge and women do what they are told... Yeah, that never happened.
Welcome to Megan Bryce's Regencyland, where ladies with backbone get what they want. Where a woman can thumb her nose at rules and care little for convention, and yet somehow, unexpectedly and most reluctantly, find love.

To Tempt The Saint
Many years ago, George St. Clair loved and lost -- his heart, his faith, his future. Now he is content to watch not-so-silently as life happens to his friends, secure in the knowledge that no woman could tempt him again. Absolutely certain that no woman is worth the risk. Confident that he is protected from the pain...
Honora Kempe lost everything after her fall from grace -- her family, her life, a future. Now hell hath no fury like a disgraced vicar's daughter and she is determined to get back what was hers. By hook or by crook. Man by man. Lie by lie. Until one man makes her wonder if love really can heal all pain. And if too late really is too late...

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: March 31, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 285 Pages
  • File Size: 2,202 KB

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