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Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908

by (Read & Co. Classics)

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These early works by Lucy Maud Montgomery was originally written in the early 20th century and we are now republishing them with a brand new introductory biography. 'Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908' is a collection of tales that include 'Anna's Love Letters', 'Four Winds', 'Margaret's Patient', and many more. Lucy Maud Montgomery was born on 30th November 1874, New London, in the Canadian province of Prince Edward Island. Her mother, Clara Woolner (Macneil), died before Lucy reached the age of two and so she was raised by her maternal grandparents in a family of wealthy Scottish immigrants. In 1908 Montgomery produced her first full-length novel, titled 'Anne of Green Gables'. It was an instant success, and following it up with several sequels, Montgomery became a regular on the best-seller list and an international household name. Montgomery died in Toronto on 24th April 1942.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 24, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 380 Pages
  • File Size: 1,122 KB

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