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Rose Hawthorne's world is turned upside after her father's death. Her brother ran the company into the ground, he gambled away their inheritance, and now he's lost their home. He's decided to seek his fortune in Colorado by buying a goldmine and striking it rich. As Rose's guardian, he orders her to go with him, and she has to obey him until she's married. She doesn't want to abandon her life in Boston but her brother leaves her no choice. The two gather the last of their possessions and travel to the tiny mining camp of Manhattan, Colorado, nestled forty-five miles west of Fort Collins. The land is rugged and the miners are uncivilized, yet Rose knows the Lord will provide for her. Somehow she will survive this trial and carve out a living for herself. And soon the Lord will give her the means and the way to get back home to Boston.
If she can keep her brother away from the card tables...

Whit Morrison keeps having dreams about a young woman with blue eyes and fiery curls. He's never met her but he knows she's in trouble. When they cross paths the Lord leads him to save her from a terrible fate. He's willing to help her get back to Boston but he refuses to get his heart involved. He'd fallen for a woman before and it had disastrous results. Yet his family wants him to return to Pennsylvania and marry. Whit is only a simple mountain trapper who totes the Word of God to people in the hills. He doesn't want to marry an uppity socialite his father has chosen for him. Can he and the woman in his dreams strike a bargain that will get them both what they want? And when they finally arrive, will the Lord give him the strength to let her go?

Books in the Christian Brides Historical Series:
The Missing Bride
The Unlikely Bride
The Bartered Bride
The Defiant Bride

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 147 Pages
  • File Size: 3,342 KB

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