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Purgatory: A Short Story

by (One Lazy Robot)

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Together Beyond Death

As a Daydreamer for Imagine Nation, Jarek creates far flung adventures across space and time in his mind's eye for others to experience vicariously through their neural prostheses. Sometimes he fights space dragons, other times he dives to the bottom of Alear's deepest ocean and discovers what sorts of monsters lurk in the planet's darkest recesses.
But when his wife (aide to President Rance Mard) uncovers a conspiracy to tap into the limitless power supply of ancestors who have passed onto the spirit realm, Jarek soon discovers that the most horrible monsters are far worse than anything he could ever have imagined.

Purgatory is an 11,000 word short story from author Anthony Vicino about love's ability to transcend life and death. Featuring fast paced action filled with twists and turns, humor, suspense, and characters just trying to do what's right. If you like Jim Butcher, John Scalzi, or Chuck Wendig, then you'll love this captivating metaphysical romp!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 1, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 47 Pages
  • File Size: 564 KB

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