



This volume collects 21 long-lost stories by the author of Anne of Green Gables written across 40 years -- with a forward by the author's granddaughter.

Although best known for creating the spirited Anne Shirley, L. M. Montgomery had a thriving writing career that included several novels and more than five hundred poems and short stories. After Many Years brings together rare pieces originally published between 1900 and 1939 that haven't been in print since their initial periodicals.

Editors Carolyn Storm Collins and Christy Woster curated this collection of newly discovered stories full of the charm, humor and warmth that make Montgomery's novels such beloved classics. With scholarly prefaces and notes for each piece, the book offers readers a rare glimpse into how Montgomery's writing developed over the course of her career.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 30, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 341 Pages
  • File Size: 2,457 KB

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