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From the outside looking in, British Noel seems to have it all. The perfect life, the dream career, great friends and family who love her dearly, the sexy husband, and her beautiful baby girl Jaxon. But things are far from what they seem. Life for the successful, beautiful British is the furthest thing from what it seems. Although she's married, her husband, Derrick seems to have a hard time remembering that he is. Heartbroken, alone and unhappy, British feels like she is on an emotional rollercoaster and cannot get off. That is until her best friends Kori and Ashley take her on a vacation to Jamaica, where she meets the intriguing Terrence King.

Terrance has the streets of Atlanta on lock. Him, his brother Ty and their friends Ronny and Sleez make money as easy as it is to breathe. Unfortunately, jealousy, and larceny rears its ugly head, causing tension within the crew. Terrance's nickname, Terror, precedes him well, when his gangsta is tested in more ways than one.

Neither of the two are in search of each other, but when a simple trip to Jamaica brings British and Terrance together, sparks fly. Thing is, British is still married and Terrance is fresh out of a three year relationship.

Will British finally walk away from the disaster she calls a marriage? Or will Derrick convince her to stay? Falling in love is the last thing on Terrance's agenda. In spite of it all, will British's mesmerizing ways pull emotions he buried long ago, out of him? Or will he devote one hundred percent of his time on the hustle and the drama rapidly unfolding within his squad, unfazed by British and her sultry ways?

Find out how it all unfolds between the drama filled pages of Giving my Heart to An Atlanta Street King.

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