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Enjoy this sexy fan-favorite novel from New York Times bestselling author Tawny Weber!

Subject: Navy SEAL Lieutenant Dominic Castillo

Mission: Protect -- not seduce! -- his sexy target

Dominic Castillo loves his SEAL team like brothers -- except one, who made sure Castillo was left behind during the latest mission. But when his rival is kidnapped by a vicious drug lord, Castillo receives a black ops mission of his own: protect his rival's sister. And any mistakes will either result in her death... or his.

Lara Banks clearly has no interest in being protected by a military man, especially an acquaintance of her estranged brother. So why is she doing her best to drive him crazy with pure temptation? Lara insists on having her naughty way with him -- over and over -- but is fulfilling their fantasies worth the price?

Originally published in 2014.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 12, 2018.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 222 Pages
  • File Size: 637 KB

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