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Inferno: Part 2 (The Vault)


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A stolen glance across a darkened restaurant.
A kiss under the Italian moon.
A proposition I never would have made in my former life.

Our story began just like all fairy tales do...

Once upon a time.

Once upon a time, a mysterious, passionate man opened my eyes to things I'd been blind to. My heart to feelings I never thought imaginable. My mind to endless possibilities.

Once upon a time, I experienced something I didn't think existed.

Once upon a time, I learned how to fly.

Little did I know it was with broken wings.

How can we have a future when he's still tormented by his past?

How can I give him my heart when experience tells me to keep it guarded?

How can I still want to be with a man who would lie to me so recklessly?

They say life is a series of roads, each fork a decision that can lead you to a different destination.

Now I find myself faced with a decision of my own.

Do I put my trust in Dante?
Or do I turn back into the same sheltered Ellie I was when I boarded that plane?

Only fate knows the answer...

Inferno: Part 2 is the second installment in T.K. Leigh's epic romantic suspense saga of secrets, lies, and betrayal. Continue Dante and Ellie's story today.

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