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Olivia found herself working for an older woman she called Aunt Trudy after narrowly missing her father's choice husband for her, one of his old cronies. She was barely eighteen with a learned mistrust of men she got from her father. Aunt Trudy worked hard to deliver Olivia from a girl to a young woman. She was making great progress until a sleazy man wanted to start calling on her after the man she was seeing acknowledged they could be friends, but nothing more. When she snubbed the new mans attentions, Clive went to her father who gave her an ultimatum. Either allow Clive to court her, who was closer to her age, or Trent, his old friend would marry her; the choice was hers.
She knew he was serious, leaving her with no other option but to disappear. Telling Aunt Trudy would put her in a position of lying to protect Olivia. Growing up in a big city, Olivia took a crash course in wilderness living, thrust upon her by an overbearing vindictive father. That is where she changed from the girl to woman.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 175 Pages
  • File Size: 1,951 KB

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