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The Book of Initiation: Foundation of Your world


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Zander and friends learn to travel in the Astral Realm. One of them gets lost. Can they find her before she's lost forever?

After taking their Initiation into Yesod, Zander and friends the foundation they've built their world view on comes crashing down as they are asked one simple question, who are they?

At the same time, they begin to have strange encounters of another world. They learn they've accidentally stumbled onto the ability to travel astrally. During one astral journey the group stumbles onto a recently dead spirit who leads them on a chase where they have to discern what's real from what's not.

They also have to race to save one of their own who gets lost in the astral. Can they solve the murder? Can they save their lost friend? What's up with the rat? Why does the elephant smoke a hookah?

And an old enemy rears his punk ass again.

This is Book 2 of The Book of Initiation Series

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 396 Pages
  • File Size: 3,407 KB

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