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Fesarius: The Decalon Trap


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"The Decalon Trap" is the third novel in the author's Fesarius series of science fiction books. The author has reimagined the Star Trek universe by adding elements of Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, a sprinkling of The Orville and a boatload of common sense. The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, National Geographic are also represented and military accuracy has been augmented to provide a read that is both comfortably familiar yet completely new.

After the horrors witnessed at the Tombstone system (see book two, The Murdered World), Admiral Iwo of Starbase Relay believes starship Fesarius needs a light and easy milk run mission. Just a simple exploratory mission of a small solar system to help the crew get their mental faculties back in check. Instead, Fesarius discovers an 800-year-old alien ship crashed on one of the outer planets. That ship was shot down for reasons unknown, by a people unknown. They also discover a society with a primitive spaceflight ability hellbent on setting a trap for the starship so they can retrofit their FTL Drive technology to plunder the galaxy like space-traveling pirates. Who shot down that ship on the fourth planet? Will Fesarius prevail against her attackers? The answers to these questions and more are found within the pages of "The Decalon Trap."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 126 Pages
  • File Size: 3,063 KB

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