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If We Could Go Back (Camassia Cove Universe Book 10)

by (Self)

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Hurt/Comfort | Family | First Time Experience | Standalone
Bennett and Kieran's story spans over several years and brings the reader along on a journey about loss, futile attempts at fighting their deepest desires, friendship, and surrender.

My sister asked me if I could stand the sight my own reflection, if I'd caused enough damage yet, but I didn't see myself when I looked into the mirror. I saw Kieran standing behind me, pressing a kiss to my shoulder while he undid my belt. I saw everything I wanted that I couldn't have. Not unless I was prepared to hurt everyone around me.

Kieran was in a similar situation.

Were we monsters or men? Were they one and the same? Did we give a flying f -- hell. We did care. Just not enough to stop, not enough to walk away, and I knew we constantly asked ourselves the same question because of it. If we could go back to when we met on the train, if we could erase the deceit, erase our first hello, would we?

This story takes place in Cara Dee's Camassia Cove Universe, a fictional town where all books stand on their own, unless otherwise stated, and the reader can jump in wherever they want.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 29, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 367 Pages
  • File Size: 557 KB

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