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Third Button


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"Third Button creates commotion in social media, makes readers nostalgic about their college life."-The Tribune

Aahan, a homesick boy caught up in the nostalgia of the past, is accompanied by his dad on a fun-filled journey to a distant city.
The joy of joining a premier Engineering college is short-lived but not the horror of bullying and confinement in the hostel, leading to a simmering desire for revenge on a ruthless senior.
One-sided affairs are heading nowhere, and one fateful celebration with friends has turned into a nightmare. Misery ensued.
Thanks to an act of vandalism, the future is at stake, not to mention the placement headache. Misery reloaded.
Misery is constant, and so is the infectious laughter and unending bantering with friends in every adversity.

Battling with the true meaning of success and failure, amidst the deep emotions evoked by love and hate, does Aahan finally learn the lesson of life?


"Shimla lad pens book on NIT life, makes readers nostalgic about their college life." -The Tribune
"Sailing above all 'Buttons': Rohit Dharupta." -Monday Morning, NIT Rourkela

About the Author

Rohit Dharupta was born and raised in Shimla, where he did his schooling. He completed Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Rourkela, India. Presently working for a Global Company, Rohit lives in Montreal, Canada. The passion for storytelling inspired Rohit to write Third Button, the nostalgia of college days. He describes this memorable experience as a journey from a boy with hope to a man with belief.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 275 Pages
  • File Size: 789 KB

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