



Principles of Political Economy by John Stuart Mill: In this influential work, John Stuart Mill provides a comprehensive analysis of the principles of political economy. The book explores economic theory, distribution of wealth, the role of labor, and the consequences of government intervention in the economy. Mill's insights and theories continue to shape the study of economics and political thought to this day.

Key Aspects of the Book "Principles of Political Economy":
Economic Theory and Analysis: The book presents a systematic and analytical examination of economic principles and their applications.
Classical Economics: Mill's work is rooted in the classical economic tradition, making it a significant contribution to economic thought during his time.
Impact on Political Thought: "Principles of Political Economy" shaped the discourse on economic policy and governance and remains a seminal work in the field.

John Stuart Mill was a British philosopher, economist, and political theorist born in 1806. He was a prominent proponent of utilitarianism and made significant contributions to various fields, including ethics, political philosophy, and economics. Mill's "Principles of Political Economy" is considered a cornerstone of classical economic thought.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 336 Pages
  • File Size: 5,199 KB

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