




The opening scene of 'Three Hundred Bridesmaids' takes place on a remote Dorset hilltop in the middle of the blazing hot heatwave of 1976.
We travel back to 1975 and follow Rosie Peach as she starts her first job as a music teacher at Shaston Convent School. It is not long before she falls for the dashing David Hart, but he is haunted by his dark and troubled past and unable to give her the love she craves.
Rosie's friend and colleague, Grace Browning, cautions Rosie against David as a suitable partner, but what exactly are her motives and who is she intent on pursuing? The situation is complicated by the arrival of Tristan Proudfoot, a conductor, who has romantic designs of his own.
A madcap trio of sixth form girls keep us entertained with their ludicrous antics while the drama unfolds and a cast of irrepressible nuns join forces with the redoubtable Miss Spiker to do their utmost to ensure the path of true love runs smoothly.
The final scene before we return to tender and touching events on the remote Dorset hilltop involves a plate of chocolate eclairs and iced buns, a fight on the Nuns' Lawn and a denouement quite possibly even more complicated and far-fetched than the silliest opera plot.

This story has been previously published in an edited version by D C Thomson ('Love And Lies' People's Friend Pocket Novel 883). 'Love And Lies' was a finalist for the Joan Hessayon Award 2019. 'Love and Lies' is also available in a large print version Linford Romance, published by Ulverscroft and available from your local library.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 174 Pages
  • File Size: 1,370 KB

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