



Melody's dearest wish has come true. She's pregnant. Now she can finally move out of her mother's apartment and be with the man she loves.


But something's not quite right...

* * *

October Rain is a psychological horror suspense short story. My horror stories explore the frailty of the human psyche - how tenuous our grasp on reality can be. They delve into how alone each of us really is, as we navigate the short, brief flicker of life we are granted. My stories focus on the psychological aspects of fear and do not contain overt gore. They are suitable for teens and up.

This short story is part of my series: Lisa's Dark Gripping Short Tales. You can read the short stories one at a time if you wish - each is available as a standalone ebook. If you prefer, you can get each set of nine short stories compiled together in ebook or paperback format. The title of that compilation is, naturally enough, Lisa's Dark Gripping Short Tales (1, 2, etc.) I offer full discussions of each storyline on YouTube, for those who wish to delve deeper into the plot and meaning behind the scenes.

I support battered women's shelters.

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