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At sixteen, Madeline traveled to Shady Cove, Missouri when her grandfather sent word that Grandma was sick and they needed help. Momma couldn't go because she was carrying another baby and Madeline pleaded to send her instead.
Just as Grandma started to recover, the economy in Peach Tree, Georgia turned sour the same as the rest of the country leaving Madeline in Shady Cove with her grandparents. It was no hardship for her since she loved the ranch to begin with. Over two years later, a friendship with one of the young men in Shady Cove was getting serious.
Feeling guilty for leaving her in Shady Cove so long, or only wanting a better life for their daughter, she was called home just as Madeline and Wyatt were making wedding plans.
Returning to Peach Tree, Madeline soon learned that they did not intend for her to marry a rancher. On her first day home, they already had someone else lined up.
From then on, she realized that they would have her married off before she became of age to make her own decisions. That is when she started making plans to return to Shady Cove.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: October 31, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 181 Pages
  • File Size: 17 KB

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