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When Harvey decided to retire, his primary concern is handing his company off to someone who shares his ideals. Needless to say, his fiercest rival is disappointed to discover that he does not fall into this category. But, surprisingly he is not holding a grudge, and even invites Harvey & Nora to his home for a dinner party to celebrate Harvey's retirement.

But things are not always as they seem. Nor do they always end up as planned...

When the host is murdered during the party after revealing the real reason for offering to break bread with his rival, Harvey is the main suspect. He is quickly arrested and, to Nora, it appears their future will not be one of vacations & relaxation. Unless she can figure out what really happened!

Check out Retiring With The Dead, the 6th & final book in Nancy McGovern's popular series, "Return To Milburn"! This is the 2nd of Nancy's series to feature super-sleuth & super-chef, Nora Newberry, and takes place in the fictional town of Milburn, Wyoming. The first related series, "A Murder In Milburn", included 12 books and was set 25 years earlier than this "Return To Milburn" series. If you want more Nora Newberry and more cozy mystery fun, you can get the entire first series in one big box set that contains ALL 12 books & ALL 12 recipes at a HUGE discount right here on Amazon!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 151 Pages
  • File Size: 2,240 KB

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