



In the year 2020 C.E., we celebrate one hundred years of women's suffrage in the United States of America. The 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which granted American women the right to vote, was ratified on August 18, 1920. It was a hard-won battle that came only after a long century of protest. Two hundred years after the beginning of that protest, the fight for equality rages on.Much of what was written by feminists one hundred years or more in the past still resonates today. Despite the past few centuries of protest, the patriarchy is alive and well, all around the globe. It seems, in fact, that the harder we fight to destroy the patriarchy, the harder it fights back.This volume contains a collection of selected writings from some of the most important early feminists leading up to the passage of the 19th Amendment in the United States, along with commentary from the editor, Amanda L. Webster, M.S., M.A. that connects these works to modern feminism in the United States.This collection contains the following texts:-- Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton-- Woman by Kate Austin-- Transcendental Wild Oats by Louisa May Alcott-- The Industrial Position of Women by Emily Blackwell-- Uncivil Liberty: An Essay to Show the Injustice and Impolicy of Ruling Woman Against Her Consent by Ezra Hervey Heywood-- Ain't I a Woman? by Sojourner Truth and Frances Dana Barker Gage-- Anarchy and the Sex Question by Emma Goldman-- Women and Birth Control by F. W. Stella Browne-- Sex Slavery by Voltairine de Cleyre-- The Yellow Wall Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman-- Feminism for Men by Floyd Dell-- Accepting the Universe by Ethel Puffer Howes-- Freedom or Death by Emmeline PankhurstThe book also includes a list of important contemporary feminist works, providing a snapshot of feminism one hundred years after women's suffrage. This text is designed to connect the past to both the present and the future in a easily digested analysis that brings the fight for women's rights to life in a whole new way!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 193 Pages
  • File Size: 758 KB

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