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"A million years of elven life
Will never rise with sun or moon,
Will never grant both bane and boon,
For lost they are in endless strife."

So says the "Dirge for Meilin's Heirs," the last poem written by night elf creativity before the War at Dusk consumed all art in the furnace of conflict. Decades of fighting between elven peoples have destroyed any hope for peace until a weapon of tremendous power reaches the field of battle. Each side believes the other deployed the mysterious weapon, which kills day elf and night elf alike, leading to the smallest chance for a cease-fire. But even the smallest flame can keep the darkness at bay.

With the elves locked in never-ending warfare, the Grasp flourishes. The criminal organization influences every business across the islands, and either the money rolls in or heads roll out. But when a small-time grifter runs afoul of the Grasp, she sets off a series of events that will bring together criminals, peacekeepers, warriors, and wide-eyed dreamers. When they collide, the War at Dusk will either end or go on forever, shattering anew the Islands of Shattered Glass.

End a war, find your love, and let go of vengeance
in this epic tale from the world of Sularil.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 10, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 346 Pages
  • File Size: 1,934 KB

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