



The Million Dollar Mystery is a mystery novel by Harold MacGrath. MacGrath was a popular and fruitful American novelist, short story writer, and playwright. Excerpt: "And Hargreave was working out his plans, too; and he was just as much of a general as Braine. He sat at his library table, the maxillary muscles of his jaws working. So they had found him? Well, he had broken the law of his own making and he must suffer the consequences. Braine, who was Menshikoff in Russia, Schwartz in Germany, Mendoza in Spain, Cartucci in Italy, and Du Bois in France; so the rogue had found him out? Poor fool that he had been! High spirited, full of those youthful dreams of doing good in the world, he had joined what he had believed a great secret socialistic movement, to learn that he had been trapped by a band of brilliant thieves. Kidnapers and assassins for hire; the Black Hundred; fiends from Tophet! For nearly eighteen years he had eluded them, for he knew that directly or indirectly they would never cease to hunt for him; and an idle whim had toppled him into their clutches."

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 18, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 177 Pages
  • File Size: 8,990 KB

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