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In Holland, poor but industrious and honorable 15 year-old Hans Brinker and his younger sister Gretel yearn to participate in December's great ice skating race on the canal. They have little chance of doing well on their handmade wooden skates, but the prospect of the race and the prize of the silver skates excites them and fires their dreams. Hans' father, Raff Brinker, suffered head trauma when he fell from a dike. It left him chronically ill, with episodes of amnesia and occasional violent outbursts, so he is unable to work. Mrs. Brinker, Hans, and Gretel must all work to support the family and are looked down upon in the community because they are poor. By chance, Hans meets the famous surgeon Dr.Boekman and begs him to treat their father, but the doctor's fees are expensive. What will Hans do now to help his father? Will he get to live his dream of skating on the ice?

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 11, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 244 Pages
  • File Size: 4,813 KB

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