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The Creative Process in the Individual

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Thomas Troward, in his book The Creative Process in the Individual, has endeavoured to set before the reader the conception of a sequence of creative action commencing with the formation of the globe and culminating in a vista of infinite possibilities attainable by everyone who follows up the right line for their unfoldment.
The Creative Process in the Individual starts with certain incontrovertible scientific facts, all these things logically follow, and that therefore, however far these speculations may carry us beyond our past experience, they nowhere break the thread of an intelligible connection of cause and effect. This is an excellent book for those who are fans of the writings of works by Thomas Troward, and should not be passed up by individuals who have read his works and similar works from the New Thought movement.

This is considered by many to be Troward's masterpiece.
The Creative Process begins with the Cosmic process and eventuates in the individual's use of Mind to further the process.
Thomas Troward will be remembered as a pioneer of the New Thought movement from his contribution of a few small volumes that have had a profound effect on the understanding and development of spiritual metaphysics. His philosophy played a major role in the work of prominent New Thought teachers such as Emmet Fox and Ernest Holmes.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: July 28, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 171 Pages
  • File Size: 3,927 KB

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