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I've been thrown into the den of a monster.

I once thought one of my ruthless boys could be the killer I'm hunting. They're all dark, deadly and more than capable of brutality.

But now I'm held by the King I've been stalking in the shadows and when I unmask him, he'll realise he made a huge mistake in taking my brother from this world.

My Kings are coming for me, I know that in my soul. They're on their way to rip me from my enemy's arms and tear him apart for me.

My heart beats to the sound of their names.

But I won't wait around to be rescued. Everything has led me to this moment and I'm ready to destroy the Fae who stole my brother from me.

Secrets will be uncovered. Destiny will be decided. Death will deliver us all in the end.

No one will escape the conclusion of this story without blood on their hands. I guess it's a good thing I'm a Vampire then, because I just so happen to have a taste for blood.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 680 Pages
  • File Size: 1,512 KB

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