



There are a million and one reasons why I shouldn't fall for my BFF's twin... Too bad love isn't reasonable.

For years, I've successfully hidden my crush on Zane--my best friend's ultra grumpy, ultra hot twin brother.

But now that he's hired me to fix a tech glitch for his startup, I'm having trouble keeping the feels under wraps.

I SHOULD just keep my head down and do my job like a good employee.

I should NOT go on the investor's weekend that will keep me up close and personal with Zane.

Like... couple's massage kind of personal.

I've got a lot on the line: my friendship, my job, and my stupid little heart that just won't stop beating for him.

But I've never met a risk I didn't like to face head on. Here goes nothing! (Or, maybe, here goes everything... )

Falling for Your Best Friend's Twin is a laugh-out-loud, closed door romcom.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 264 Pages
  • File Size: 1,714 KB

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