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Hood Luvin' From a Detroit Goon 2

by (Miss Candice Presents, LLC.)

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Jurnee never thought that on the first day of her senior year of high school there would be a video floating around social media exposing her boyfriend, Audrey Legend, in bed with her best friend Coya. With her emotions high Jurnee doesn't know what to do or who to trust. Both Audrey and Coya claim the vide is not what it seems.

Coya is devasted with her reputation at risk along with her long-term friendship with Jurnee. Not to mention her relationship with Austin is at risk, too. Coya and Audrey, standing firm with denial, won't rest until the truth is revealed.

Brinx's heart shatters into a million pieces once she learns that her own birth mother has absolutely no desire for her. But August Legend being right there to pick up the pieces shows her that she is deserving of unconditional love. Sadly, August hasn't been completely honest with her neither. He's harboring a secret that could threaten what a future between the two of them could hold.

Toni and Adrian finally confessed their feelings for each other and are now a couple. Things between the two are going great except Toni hasn't told her over protective father just yet. Breaking the news to him could end things before they've truly begun.

Not only are the guys having issues in their personal lives, but their business is in jeopardy as well. Retaliation from rivals push Apollo Legend in uncomfortable territory, forcing him to allow his sons to go against everything he's taught them.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: November 13, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 171 Pages
  • File Size: 4,260 KB

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