



The imago Dei: Man as God's Image Bearers

"Let us make man in our image," so begins the relationship between God and his image bearers, beings made in his own image. What does it mean to be God's image bearer? In this issue on the imago Dei, we explore the ways man reflects God's light.


• Donald W. Catchings, Jr.: "Stained-glass Man," a poem on man's own image.

• Annie Crawford: "Gender and the Imago Dei: Together We Reflect the Image of God," an essay on marriage's divine purpose.

• L.B. Loftin: "Goodness, Truth, and Beauty," a poem on the glory of humanity.

• Christy Luis: "My Favorite Things" a short story on coming out of and into the fire.

• Annie Nardone: "Deepest Wonder, Remarkable Beauty: Sonnets in Praise of Life and the Imago Dei," an essay and sonnet on the miracles of life.

• Julie Miller: "Transhumanism and the Abolition of the Human Person," an essay on transhumanism's materialistic shortcomings.

• Megan Joy Rials: "Do You Long for Having Your Heart Interlinked?: The Imago Dei and Our Need for Relationships in the Blade Runner Universe," an essay on love, authenticity, and reality.

• Zak Schmoll: "A Silent Genocide: Disability and the Ongoing Consequences of Social Darwinism," an essay on the tragedy of eugenics.

• Jason Smith: "Worth Reading" an introduction to a new column coming to AUJ.

• John L. Weitzel: "Thorin and Bilbo: Image Bearers," an essay on heroism, the Old Testament, and God's will.

• Donald T. Williams: "Matrix of Meaning: Five Theses on Christianity and Culture," an essay on the relationship between human nature and creativity.

Cover Illustration by Virginia De La Lastra

Spring 2021
Volume 4, Issue 1
250 pages

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 252 Pages
  • File Size: 1,040 KB

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