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Prophets Tango: Season One ~ Out of Step


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Do you like your Romance with a twist of paranormal and a hot splash of thriller?

What happens when a drug-dealing psychic with a side gig as an angel of Death takes a mysterious woman for a whirl around the dance floor?

Fate holds its breath and lets romance take a chance.

Written as a serial in three seasons that must be read in order, all three are available now because you'll be mad if you have to wait.

Prophets Tango - Season 1: Out of Step:

Jackson Jude Bell is a rock'n' roll rake, peddling weed and charming his way through bedrooms and backseats all over the city. Jack also has a higher calling -- dishing out street justice to those in need -- but he doesn't let it get in the way of his fun. That psychic thing? He knows what you're thinking, what you'll do next, and if you deserve to die, he handles it.

Cursed with her own flavor of psychic ability, Anna Catalano reads Tarot and jurors for a living. She feels what you're feeling -- your history and heartaches, passions and perversions -- unless she's high. Anna stays just high enough to avoid thinking about her own life until her gangster-wannabe husband blackmails her into a corner and she starts looking for a way out.

With the help of a pair of hapless Spirits on a half-baked mission, Jack and Anna meet, and with one dance, their lives are upended. Cosmic lust comes before trust, but they have to work together to thwart her husband's plans to sell her secret to settle a deadly debt.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 252 Pages
  • File Size: 2,053 KB

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