



A disgraced American journalist has arrived in Moscow to search for her missing brother. But after seven years on the streets and on the run in Russia, Peter Greenfield doesn't want to be found.

Still in hiding with his gang of bums, Peter now has a wife and daughter to protect. Forced to flee a Slavic pagan commune, they've found refuge in a Moscow basement. But they can't escape the family histories that make them a threat to the most powerful man in Russia.

TV reporter Molly Greenfield and her cameraman join forces with Syerozha, the former street rat who is now attending Moscow State University under a false identity. Molly's hunt for Peter will take them into the darkest corners of post-war Chechnya, as they struggle to stay one step ahead of a rogue Russian security agent on a personal vendetta.

As the horrifying secrets behind Peter's disappearance come to light, Peter and his gang's options start to dwindle. They are forced back into the Second Subway left with one final card to play. A card that could win their freedom -- or bring the entire world to the brink of destruction.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: July 30, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 165 Pages
  • File Size: 361 KB

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