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It has been seven months since Reese Coldwater's ex chose a job promotion over their relationship and moved to another country. And when the radio starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween, she decides she doesn't want to endure the holiday season alone. She needs a distraction from all of the hype and merriment, so she activates her account on a dating app for people with a predilection for BDSM and power play. She's not looking for love - she just needs someone to pass the time with.

But love finds her - where she wasn't even looking for it.

Bella Knight loves Christmas, but she doesn't like big parties, especially having to plan them. But when the office administrator has to go on maternity leave, Bella is put in charge of coordinating the company's Winter Gala. Bella's anxiety is at an all-time high when she has to meet with the company's business partner - Reese Coldwater. Bella hasn't been on a date in a year, but there is something about the beautiful executive that captivates her and she can't get her out of her head.

While Bella navigates the intimidating and monumental task of planning a huge corporate holiday party, romance blossoms, and she might even be the one person able to make Reese like Christmas.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 345 Pages
  • File Size: 641 KB

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