



An ordinary girl. A rare power. A deadly game.

Lie low.
Don't draw attention to yourself.

Fifteen-year-old Asha Olinger has abided by her sister's rules her entire life. Every day, she works relentlessly as a cleaner to put food on the table, scrambling in the dredges of Althuria. Every day, she wonders about a life where she no longer struggles for a few measly coins.

But after discovering she wields a rare and destructive power, her quiet life is turned upside down. Her older sister gives her a mysterious warning. Lex Sylvester, with his fame, wealth, and stupidly charming looks -- that she certainly never, ever noticed -- starts flirting with her. And to top it all off, she receives a letter from the famed Luminus Academy, declaring that she got accepted through the lottery system. The terrifying probabilities quickly turn into incredible opportunities, and suddenly controlling her power doesn't sound like a bad idea.

What is this darned ability of hers? Why does everyone keep telling her to stay away from the Queen of Althuria? And more importantly...
Who the heck is murdering girls at the Academy?

If she doesn't find out soon... she might just be next.

Designed to thrill with its magic, mystery, and murder, Smoke and Spells is the first installment in the Althuria Chronicles coming-of-age fantasy series.

This is a four-book series.
Reading order:
Smoke and Spells
Shadows and Shifters
Runes and Rebellion
Void and Valor

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 323 Pages

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