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"The sense of place and time is very well done. I could really feel myself there at the end of a chilly winter." Vanessa Couchman, author of the Tales of Corsica and the Alouette series.Two lives. Two stories. One future.
AD 71 Northern Britannia
At the Islet of the Priestesses, acolyte Nara greets each new day eager to heal the people at Tarras Hillfort. Weapon training is a guilty pleasure, but she is devastated when she is unexpectedly denied the final rites of an initiated priestess. A shocking new future beckons for Princess Nara of the Selgovae...

In the aftermath of civil war across Brigantia, Lorcan of Garrigill's promotion of King Venutius is fraught with danger. Potential invasion by Roman legions from the south makes an unstable situation even worse. When Lorcan meets the Druid Maran, the future foretold for him is as enthralling as it is horrifying...

Meet Nara and Lorcan before they meet each other in The Beltane Choice, Book 1 of the acclaimed Celtic Fervour Series.
"Nancy Jardine's Celtic Fervour series has something for every reader of historical novels." Amelia Pasch, historical author.

Admirers of the tales of Rosemary Sutcliffe will enjoy the settings of Before Beltane. Readers can engross themselves in a less well-known historical era, and will be introduced to the two main formative characters of the Celtic Fervour Series.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 29, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 273 Pages
  • File Size: 5,288 KB

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