



A girl with a secret desire. A controlling father. A boy caught in between.
Faith Hochstetler, the bishop's daughter, longs to become a beekeeper. However, her father disagrees, bearing down hard on her training and business ambitions. What Cardinal Hill needs, he declares, are more devoted housewives.

Leroy Bontrager has been in love with Faith for as long as he can remember. One day, when he comes across her secret beehives, Leroy offers to help her. Faith must then decide which path to take, knowing that the one that follows her dream is also the one that defies her father.

Will Bishop Hochstetler recognize that his children's dreams and God's calling for them are more important than his own desires? Will Leroy's efforts result in more than a friendship with Faith? Find out in this sweet Amish romance as you become immersed in the quaint fictional town of Cardinal Hill, Indiana.

The Beekeeper's Calendar is the first book of the Amish of Cardinal Hill series. Each book is a stand-alone read, but to make the most of the series, you should consider reading them in order.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 201 Pages
  • File Size: 1,402 KB

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