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What do you do when you find out that the supernatural world exists... and that you're not as human as you thought you were?

Hadley is still recovering from her mother's death when a strange woman appears out of a dark alley. The woman tells her she's the next Fae Queen of Sorlphi and before she can laugh it off, she finds herself in the Fae realm. With only two weeks until her twenty-first birthday, she must learn everything she needs to know to rule a kingdom she didn't know existed.

Each of the ruling families sends a representative to teach her what she needs to know, but can she trust these four sexy advisors? Or is it all just a ploy to take over a kingdom that is rightfully hers?

Join Hadley on her exciting new adventure: buy SILENT SECRETS now

Silent Secrets is the first of three books in a why choose series. This means that the main character will not have to choose between her love interests. Includes M/M. This book is intended for readers 18+ due to language and content.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 8, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 414 Pages
  • File Size: 4,259 KB

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