



This meticulously edited collection offers you the true accounts about the Confederate States of America, including documents that were most influential for the creation of the states and the life stories of its principal leaders and officers. "The History of the Confederate States of America" and "The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government" represent the best source for understanding the background, the creation, fight and the ultimate defeat, written by the President of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis. The collection also includes memoirs and biographies of the Confederate Leaders: Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee & Heros von Borcke. Finally, this collection is enriched with the most pivotal documents of the Confederate States. Contents: History of the Confederate States of America The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government Memoirs & Biographies: Jefferson Davis by Frank H. Alfriend Robert E. Lee by John Esten Cooke Memoirs of Heros von Borcke Official Documents of the Confederate States: Constitution of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America Constitution of the Confederate States of America The Address of the People of South Carolina assembled in Convention, to the People of the Slaveholding States of the United States South Carolina Ordinance of Secession Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union Mississippi Ordinance of Secession Florida Ordinance of Secession Alabama Ordinance of Secession Georgia Ordinance of Secession Louisiana Ordinance of Secession Texas Ordinance of Secession Arizona Territory Ordinance of Secession Virginia Ordinance of Secession Arkansas Ordinance of Secession North Carolina Ordinance of Secession Tennessee Ordinance of Secession Missouri Ordinance of Secession Kentucky Ordinance of Secession Dix-Hill Cartel Robert E. Lee's Letter Announcing Surrender...

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 4,331 Pages
  • File Size: 9,857 KB

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