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• A 2023 Readers' Favorite Gold Medalist

• A Moonbeam Children's Book Awards Gold Medalist

• A Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist

• A 2023 FAPA President's Book Awards Bronze Medalist

• A Literary Titan Gold Book Award Winner

When Amethyst Quartz's mother carries a hollowed log home, a group of furious fairies confront her and Amethyst. Hailing from the Kingdom of Portia, they claim that the stolen log is King Matthew's lost treasure. The fairies threaten to kill her unless Amethyst agrees to leave the mortal world and marry Prince Angus, who is in need of a bride. To save her mother's life, Amethyst agrees, but is plagued by melancholy when in Portia. However, she bonds with Prince Angus after three failed escape attempts, and the two develop a close relationship. Yet when things are getting settled, two assassination attempts threaten to destroy her life. Misfortunes, one after another, befall Amethyst as she struggles to survive in the palace. She once thought she had zero control over her life, but now, her choices matter more than anything. With Angus, her decisions will shape not only her future but also their relationship.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: August 14, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 245 Pages
  • File Size: 1,043 KB

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