



A city girl and the small town guy she left behind share wounds from the past. Can they find a way to heal together?

Cindy Hale thinks she can return to our small town of Glendale Falls after years of staying away and avoid me? Sparks fly and tempers flare from the moment I rescue her from the side of the road.

As a single dad, I won't disrupt my daughter's life to chase old dreams. But when gorgeous Cindy stays, she turns my whole world upside down.

If only she'd let go of a vow from the past and give me another chance. Or will she be the one that got away from me -- twice?

From USA Today Best-selling Author, Zee Irwin, read Return to Glendale Falls, and join the Hale family of sisters as they navigate life, love, and triumph in the face of loss. Their heroes will swoop in and give them everything they deserve with a satisfying happily ever after. So cuddle up, read their steamy stories, and stay awhile in the small town of Glendale Falls.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 106 Pages
  • File Size: 4,950 KB

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