



Murder and mayhem across the multi-verse... and only Claire can stand against it. Too bad she's losing her mind.

Claire can barely keep her fracturing psyche together when an old nemesis reaches out from beyond the grave.

As an ancient prophesy comes to pass, Claire and her allies are locked out of the dimensional gates and trapped on Earth -- and this time they can't get back. With their home in flames, the only way to take it back is to seek aid from the most unlikely of sources: the heptobscurantum scientists who once kidnapped Claire's father. Enemies who have plans of their own.

If they can't work together, the psychotic, possessed magi attempting to breach the sacred vaults and steal the Tesseract will eventually succeed. And if the inner sanctum is breached, all will be lost! Can Claire and her friends return home in time to prevent the total annihilation of the realm.

This threat might prove more than they can handle -- but this time, victory comes at a high cost, one that must be paid in blood.

A great match for fans of Cassandra Clare, Sarah J. Maas, Holly Black, or Stephanie Meyer.
Click Buy Now and get the exciting series conclusion!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 394 Pages
  • File Size: 3,151 KB

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